
Banganapalli Mangoes (1Kg/3Kg/5Kg/10Kg Box) | Naturally Ripened and Carbide Free


Aroma: Pleasant Aroma.

Flavor: Sweet yellow pulp.

Texture: Big in size with soft skin, creamy and pulpy in nature – fiber-free.

Estimated Delivery around 24 hours

Aroma: Pleasant Aroma
Flavor: Sweet yellow pulp
Texture: Big in size with soft skin, creamy and pulpy in nature – fiber free

Description: Mangopoint brings you “Carbide Free and Chemical Free” Naturally Ripened Mangoes this fresh season. Bright, new, hygienically packed, delivered to your doorstep

Banganapalle is a mango variety generally known as The King of Mangoes, a cultivar named after Banganapalle. An unspoilt obliquely oval specimen presents an unblemished golden yellow thin edible skin. These mangoes are large-sized, weighing on an average 350-400 grams. The pulp is fibreless, firm, and yellow with a sweet taste. It received a geographical indication tag in May 2017. Banaganapalle mangoes have been grown for over 100 years in Andhra Pradesh

Quantity: Each piece weighing approx. 300-500 grams

Note: Mangopoint promises Carbide Free and Chemical Free Mangoes fresh from the farm. Mangoes tend to get sweeter as the season peaks and best tasted between February to August..

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